About Enables
Enables Disabled Supporter Group
Enables is the supporter group for people with disabilities at Watford Football Club.
Scroll down to see :-
Membership details
Proof of disability
WFC Enables is FREE. Just eMail: watfordfcenables@gmail.com
with the information below and we will add you to the membership list -
Full name
Email address
Date of Birth *
If you wish, please describe your disability * -
e.g. wheelchair user, hearing loss, visually impaired etc
* Requested so that we only send you information relevant to your circumstances.
1) This information will only be shared with Watford Football Club and no other organisation.
2) We may require proof of disability - see notes below
Proof of disability
Every individual experiences their disability differently and Watford FC recognises this, so we review each request on a case by case basis.
The club reserves the right to check a person’s eligibility under the Equality Act 2010. All supporters with disabilities purchasing tickets in our accessible areas at Watford FC would be requested to provide an original copy of any of the following prior to purchasing tickets:
- Confirmation of the Middle or Higher Rate of Disability Living Allowance
- Confirmation of the Middle or Higher rate of Mobility Allowance
- Confirmation of the Middle or Higher rate of Attendance Allowance
- Confirmation of the Middle or Higher Rate of Severe Disablement Allowance
- Certification of being Registered Blind or Partially Sighted
- A personal letter of support from your GP, Hospital Specialist (dated within the last two months)
- Enhanced Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Please Note: Receipt of a Blue Badge or incapacity benefit will not be considered sufficient to enable you to purchase tickets.
Proof of the above documentation must be seen before a booking can be made. All documents must be sent or handed in to the Ticket Office.
A personal assistant will not be admitted without being in the presence of the disabled supporter. If this is the case the personal assistant should visit the Ticket Office and upgrade their ticket, paying the prevailing rate for that match. Personal Assistant tickets are transferable however tickets for disabled supporters are not. Should any supporters or personal assistant’s be found to be abusing this or any of the disabled supporters ticking policy the club reserves the right to deny access.
Enables is organised by an elected committee made up as follows :-
Chairman: David Butler
Vice Chair: Alan Murray
WFC representative : Dave Newman - Ticket Office Managr & Disability Liaison Officer
WFC representative: Chris Hall - Supporter Liaison Officer
Enables Constitution : To view this Click Here