29th November 2016 - Annual General Meeting
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Watford FC Enables held on 29th November 2016 at 7.30pm, in The Staff Room, Vicarage Road Stadium.
Committee Present:
David Butler Chair
Phil Nightingale Vice Chair
Phil Linnegar Secretary
Dave Messenger Membership Secretary
WFC Officers in attendance:
Richard Walker Head of Supporter Communications & Sales
Dave Messenger Supporter Liaison Officer
Will McCafferty Head of Safeguarding & Equality Lead
1. Welcome
David Butler welcomed everyone, and thanked them for their work supporting Watford FC
ENABLES, since the last AGM. David introduced WFCE Committee Members and WFC
Officers to the Meeting
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 David reported that there were now over 140 Members of WFCE, and it was our aim to represent all WFC supporters with any form of disability.
3. Matters arising from previous Committee meeting
3.1 Soccersight. A Member expressed concern that the Soccersight headphones were not charged up, and usually took up to 10 minutes to get a pair, which was frustrating after a long journey. Dave Messenger explained that there were 21 headsets, but only 5 or 6 were usually used. Enables asked that someone from WFC is made specifically responsible for undertaking pre- match checks. This was agreed by the WFC staff.
NB. Since the meeting WFC have taken this action
4. Secretary’s Report
4.1 The Secretary had nothing to report.
5. Hon Treasurers Report.
5.1 The Hon Treasurer, Iain Lamb, apologised for not being able to attend but had sent a report for tabling, for the year ended 30th September 2016. The current balance was £793.40. A Receipts and Payments Account, and Statement of Assets was tabled. This was accepted for information.
5.2 Independent Examination. WFC Head of Finance, Katie Wareham, had independently examined and approved the prepared accounts.
6. Election of Officers
6.1 All Officers stood down from their posts, and nominated representatives from WFC were confirmed. The meeting, being an AGM, confirmed the new
Committee as follows:
Chairman - David Butler
Vice Chair - Phil Nightingale
Treasurer - Iain Lamb
Secretary - Phil Linnegar
Social Secretary - Gary Armstrong
Fundraising Officer - Vacant
Membership Secretary - Dave Messenger
WFC - Dave Messenger - Supporter Liaison Officer
WFC - Joanne Simonds - Disabled Liaison Officer
WFC - Will McCafferty - Head of Safeguarding & Equality Lead
7. Election of Independent Examiner
7.1 The WFC Head of Finance, Katie Wareham, had agreed to continue to act as Independent Examiner, and this was agreed.
8. Watford FC Update
8.1 Dave Messenger reflected that upward membership numbers will help keep
the Club on its toes and enable continuing meaningful communications.
8.2 Will McCafferty explained that the Club was committed to achieving the
Premier League Equalities Standard – Intermediate Level.
9. Any Other Business
9.1 Chairman’s Statement -
Response to WFC Accessible Stadia Guideline Plans
9.1.1 The Chairman explained that the Accessible Stadia Guidelines regarding
wheelchair places is a calculation based upon stadia size, which for Vicarage
Road equates to 153 places. However, the demand indicates a reasonable need for 61, and shortly the Club will have another 31 to meet any future demand - total 92. To create another 61 wheelchair places for which we have no demand would mean removing between 700 and 800 seats and potentially creating an antagonistic attitude towards our members by those able bodied fans being unnecessarily displaced.9.1.2 This is not only about wheelchairs, but also positioning, leg room and ease of access for ambulant fans and WFC will meet these guideline requirements in full by the August deadline.
9.1.3 The Chairman introduced the Joint Statement with WFC concerning these
issues, the essence of which had been circulated to all members previously, and asked
the meeting to vote to support our involvement. The meeting unanimously
supported being party to the Statement.
9.2 Sensory Room
9.2.1 Dave Messenger explained that the stadium would be equipped with a sensory room, which provides a safe and secure area for children with additional needs. Only Sunderland in the Premier League have a similar provision.
9.2.2 The WFC sensory room would be the first in the South of England and London. It will accommodate up to 6 children with carers, (two of which can be in wheelchairs). WFC have engaged with local schools on this development.
Chairman stated WFC should be very proud of this facility.
10. Close
10.1 General Meeting
10.1.1 The date of the next General Meeting would be notified in due course, and held at The Staff Room, Vicarage Road Stadium. Members would be notified by email and by an announcement on our website – www.wfcenables.co.uk
10.2 Annual General Meeting
10.2.1 The date of the next AGM was proposed and agreed by the WFCE Committee, to be within 12 months of this meeting, ideally in late October 2016, after the association’s financial year end in September. The date would be notified to WFCE members.
10.3 Close
10.3.1 David closed the AGM at 8.40pm and thanked everyone for coming and taking part.